*** Skills that work, and those that do not ***

Discussion in 'Beta Discussion' started by Vesuvius_SWIE, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    Updated above post's Stress Engines and Dark Matter details.

    These are all Sol skills btw.
  2. 0b1000010

    0b1000010 Member

    Looks like you don't need the warship commander skill, or it is broken, because I was able to get a light cruiser without having to get that skill.
  3. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    You can also get them before the specified captain rank too :p
  4. gegener

    gegener Member

    team expension V doesnt work cause i got 3 crew kill only with this skill and max 20 kill
    need lot of bad luck to try the 4 other etap of this skill
    elite marine minimum kill is actually 7 and max 15 for a 4-10 dmg not sure it work normally...
    when i got all the information about marine and formule use i will finish this marines test

    captain skill slaughter II does not give 4xp per kill (without slaughter in marine skill)
    when i kill
    7 i gain 15 xp
    8 i gain 20 xp
    13 i gain 30 xp
    15 i gain 35 xp
  5. gegener

    gegener Member

    according to the formul its work!!
    4-10 give mini 7 max 17
    8-10 give mini 13 max 17

    captain skill slaughter II alone doesn't work
    and if you add slaughter from the marine crew it add nothing... no more xp
  6. gegener

    gegener Member

    team expension I doesnt work because i just kill 2 sol crew with this skill and if i read the description the minimum dmg is 2 so with the formule the minimum crew kill will be 3... still trying to get the maxi kill crew = 18 but i need a lot of pod and a lot of luck ^^
    team expension II : mini = maxi = (if it work the mini must be 5 kill and the maxi must be 20 kill)
    team expension III :mini = maxi = (if it work the mini must be 7 kill and the maxi must be 22 kill)
    team expension IV : mini = maxi = (if it work the mini must be 8 kill and the maxi must be 23 kill)
    team expension V : doesnt work cause mini dmg isn't 10

    -I think Team Expansion is completely dysfunctional right now, another skill to fix. -Vesuvius
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2017
  7. gegener

    gegener Member

    i just finish the 45 pod with TE I => still at 1-10
    do you think i need to try the II, III ,IV? or when its ko at I its ko every other version?

    -I think if level I doesn't work, the others will not work either. -Vesuvius

    next time, if it work think at 2 player 1 wirg the support ship and the other with the pod ship
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2017
  8. Dalwin

    Dalwin Member

    this is from after Steam release. I have acquired the second tier of the engineer's repair skill. For a few turns in one battle I was getting the expected 5 repair points. Then for no reason it dropped to only 3 per turn. I left the battle, docked and repaired, even logged out of game and came back. It now only does 3 points of repair per turn. When I check the chief engineer while at dock it still shows that I have two levels of the skill.
  9. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    If you can get a screenshot, it would be appreciated, also I will try to get my ship to level 2 officer and test the repair II skill as well.
  10. Midnightsun

    Midnightsun Member

    SOL Helmsman initiative skill doesnt work for me. I just get 2 Points from my captain but not the three Points from the helmsman
  11. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    Sucks that it doesn't work. That's one skill I quit testing because it's just not worth taking.

    Either get the really powerful evasion (especially for large ships) or the ever more useful movement, which also adds init and an equal or greater amount than that skill on most ships.
  12. Midnightsun

    Midnightsun Member

    can you realocate officier Points?
  13. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    yes, 100 premium credits to respec

    or get them killed :p
  14. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    I will take that skill for my ship, I will test it as well. If it doesn't work for Sol, its not going to work for Gen either.
  15. Narfi

    Narfi New Member

    3 initiative from helmsman are working for me, maybe something bugged when having both captain and helmsman bonus.
  16. Dalwin

    Dalwin Member

    The targeting skill is not working as advertised. It may or may not have a chance to damage the enemy weapon there is no way to judge that. The part that is broken is that the skill clearly says you are supposed to be able to use it once per allocation round. In fact it is only useable once per battle the same as the more powerful active abilities.
    fox likes this.
  17. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    targeting should be a passive skill, ie it should work all the time, not something you activate. Its a skill I've never used, but I should test it on my own and see the problems with it.
    fox likes this.
  18. ben

    ben Member

    I have had targeting for a few days now. I think I have worked it out. It is on one specific weapon. Select the icon at the start of battle, then select the weapon you wish it to be on. The audio cue is given. For the rest of the battle that weapon has the targeting activated. I don't have the brain to know whether or not its working. But at least I finally worked out how to..... the description says selected weapon...... weapon does seam more accurate and enemies do seam to break off attack sooner......
    fox likes this.
  19. Dalwin

    Dalwin Member

    It would be good if that is actually what is happening. Even if so, it does not match the description of the skill which clearly says it is once per allocation.
    fox and ben like this.
  20. Midnightsun

    Midnightsun Member

    Suggestion: Can shield overload work a bit like beam weapons? For the first 2 addtional Points for example "yellow" or 2 energy Points for the next 2 lvl "red" 3 energy Points?

    The reason is these ridiciously well shiehled high lvl shields.

    As well for beam weapons the addtional damage only when weapon is fully charged.
    fox and Heinous like this.

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