Skills balance

Discussion in 'Beta Discussion' started by Beernchips, Jan 1, 2018.

  1. Beernchips

    Beernchips Member

    Dark matter Astrophysics : This skill is a must have for any t5 and higher ships otherwise you have a big risk of getting killed. Also as everyone fear of death (and even with removal of permadeath no one really wants to have his big ship unavailable for days) nowadays battles are sticked to edges of map.

    Change : Level 1 --> Can warp out anywhere on the map. During warp out, ship have 10% less chance to be hitted
    Level 2 : Dodge increased to 20%. Also you have 10 more init during warp out (so you will leave faster)

    Stress engines : Totally overpowered on big ships with high power.

    Change : instead of x% bonus power it is x% bonus movement --> much less efficient on big ships with low move.
    Damages changed from % to flat damage --> Otherwise small ships with high movement will become uncontrollable so flat dmages will hurt them a lot

    Bonus damages to weapons : Having + x flat bonus damage to weapons is really powerful. For example for 1 power on heavy lasers you have 1 +2 (2 range bonus) +2 (officer skill), for plasma beams you can have 1 + 3 (4 range bonus) +1 (officer)
    Also the bonus from officer totally outshines the overload weapons skills which is available only 1 time

    Change :
    For weapons : the bonus is only available if you max power the weapon --> you have to commit a lot of power (and so move/init) to get the bonus
    For officer skills : Bonus is available only for counterfire --> it will improve the use of counterfire which is unused at the moment
  2. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    Stress engines abuse will be not as abusable once region limits are introduced, as well as the limiting a player from going back into the same region.

    DMA would be too overpowered if you could warp out anywhere anytime so easily; hence why its limited to Level5 engineer.

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