Officers are always the same set for your ships, so no matter what Sol ship you get for example, it will have only one Helmsman, Science, Engineer, Medical and Weapons Officer.
I also had a question about starting. Say if you start, and lose your first ship, what happens then? Do you start a new account or get your ship to respawn?
Is the game going to be playable through Android OS? I did sign for this KS project and I wonder if I could play it through it.
This thing actually makes the phone like desktop and adds keyboard and mouse. If the game will be browser based it will depend on the adroid browser compatibility.
Well it would be interesting if you could play the game on your phone, at least chat/coordinate with your allies if you're not able to play at the moment.
Maybe not the complete game, but I could see an eventual 'add-on' being released. Maybe something like Fallout 4's Pipboy app? Something you don't need to play the game, but maybe some sort of 'viewscreen'app?
We were playing around with a touchscreen laptop, and its interesting to see commands work on it -- very Star Trek: Next Generation-like. But first we must get the game properly off the ground, and since its going to be steam-based, I don't think cell phones work with steam?
How are things going with Steam integration? Is everything green-lit on their side? Is Space Wars going to be Steam exclusive?
The game is currently being tested in steam, so we actually play through steam. SW will be steam exclusive, because it helps us connect with steam PR/staff better (and greatly facilitates user-friendliness on install & Mac/PC issues.
Yes, the rumor is true, but that would be a lot later, after the game has launched and the beta period is long over.
No, not even the dreadnoughts occupy more than one hex. A hex is supposed to = 1000km, but of course, we made the ships fill in the hex otherwise you wouldn't be able to see them haha.