Discussion in 'Beta Discussion' started by Vesuvius_SWIE, Mar 22, 2017.

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  1. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    MAJOR EDIT: Forgot to factor in going first on next round after alpha strike, each corvette can do another 19 dmg! you could pull it off with 4 or 5.

    2nd MAJOR EDIT: Some of the numbers are off due to assumptions about range bonuses, damage is still sufficient with 6 corvettes and the concept/tactics remain the same.

    Here's some numbers

    Leviathan Hull 188, max shield/side 16
    Colossus Hull 184, max shield/side 20

    Either of them has a combined maximum damage tolerance from a single firing arc of 204, assuming shields are up...

    Let's look at one of my favorites for guerilla warfare:
    Mendi III has 4 weapons.
    2 + 1 from crew + 2 from being within 2 range = 5
    1 + 1 from crew + 2 from being within 2 range = 4
    2 + 1 from crew + 2 from being within 2 range = 5 +300% Sol Overload = 5+15 = 20
    2 + 1 from crew + 2 from being within 2 range = 5
    Total damage output = 34! in a single burst

    34 x 5 = 170 dmg (ok not quite enough for previous esitmate of 5 ships, suspected it may take a little more)
    34 x 6 = DING 204! Let's assume that not every single shot lands AND we need to bait counterfire out so... really we should go with 7 corvettes if the dread has any support at all.
    34 x 7 = 238 DMG possible in one turn with 28 attacks, and the corvettes will get first strike if played to the best of their ability.

    First round Corvette's all plan accordingly to scout in varoius directions (possibly with scanners up instead of weapons powered) then group up at a vantage point (center of the side of a combat area) and prepare for the assault after gathering intel.

    Assault begins:

    First guy in, being the smart guy that he is and knowing ALL SHIPS ARE EXACTLY AS LISTED EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!...
    Oh look, Levi's only have a SINGLE side mounted weapon, a Fission warhead that does 8 dmg (maybe more from crew/range bonus?)... "Gee I think I'll attack from the side, it doesn't have enough firepower to kill me and probably wont even hit me if I bait the counter from far enough away!"
    Ok, so lets all run with our 2 points of shields up anyway just to be sure a single hit doesnt kill and weapons fully powered + Sol Overload + Maneuverability + Stress Engines (maybe it works maybe it doesn't)

    Power Generated if SE is working 21 * 1.8 = 37.8 power (37), but you can only allocate the base 21 and the remainder is forced into movement points (maybe it doesnt work at all and i did something weird?)
    7 power to weapons 2 power to forward shields, that leaves 13 power for 26 mobility WITHOUT stress engines * 1.6 = 41 movement points (41.6, doesn't round up like it says, truncates) Plenty
    7 power to weapons 2 power to forward shields, that leaves 28 power for 56 mobility WITH stress engines *1.6 = 89 movement points (89.6, same as above) PHENOMENAL!

    41 movement points is PLENTY enough for a one way trip to find and destroy a dread, bearing in mind that an intelligent pilot can always go to the PNR, searching for his target, then return to safety (20 points out, 21 points back)

    By now, I have established that it is very possible for 6 or 7 corvettes to achieve the damage output necessary, even factoring in some misses (with 7), AND the required mobility to reach a Dread in a single turn (not necessarily the FIRST turn of combat, but in a single turn) even if the Dread has full shields to the approached side (yeah right, because they can afford to run full shields to 4 vulnerable or all 6 arcs and have scan power and firepower and mobility...)! If it doesn't, 6 corvettes will do.

    The first corvette in should fire his first shot at maximum allowable range depending on available MP (must close to within 4 to identify target, then back off to 6 8 or 10 if mobility allows, fire a shot to bait the ONE counter-fire missile if any), then close in to 1 range, fire all weapons, then clear the 1-range-hex (preferrably 5 tiles away from the dread) so that his wingmen can follow in after him and use the correct approach.

    Assuming it takes 20 points (that's plenty! and if it isn't done in 20, the corvettes can fall back and regroup for another try next round, slowly searching the map from the safety of distance) to Identify the target, the corvette now has 21 points to back off, bait counter, close, fire all remaining weapons, and clear 4 hex.

    Ok 20 points spent (21 remain), target found. Back off 3 tiles will cost 3 (18 remain) to turn around 3 (15 remain) to fall back, now at 7 away. 3 to turn around again (12 remain). Fire that a bait shot from a side while maneuvering to 'safer' distance. Advance to close range, 6 tiles (6 remain). Fire forward weapons, almost guaranteeing the Sol Overload for 20 points hits + the puny 4 + the other side weapon at 95%. Turn, fire the remaining side weapon (5 mobility remains), turn again (4 mobility remains), fly out 4 tiles with last bit of MP, you are now 5 hex away with the LEAD ship that had to spend more MP than anyone to bait a counter shot. All other ships can easily close in, fire all weapons at 95% point blank and have plenty of MP to maneuver and escape reactor explosion entirely.

    Reactor total is 112
    56 dmg at 1 hex, lethal
    28 dmg at 2 hex, lethal
    14 dmg at 3 hex, lethal
    7 dmg at 4 hex, any corvette would survive, regardless of presence or absence of any applicable shielding or having used stress engines
    0 dmg at 5+ hex

    The rest is history for the Dread that may have got to fire one shot.

    The valor of the one who fired the last shot and loses his corvette is rewarded with the kill bounty of the Dread. I'm pretty sure anyone would be happy to make that trade.

    If it is possible to do this to a DREAD.... any other freaking ship in the game doesn't have a prayer!

    Same way with how I was 1-shotting Ma'ali C4's using any number of corvette specs!

    So you have a C4 with 20 hull and shield, maybe 24 max dmg absorb.... yeah, 1 corvette can easily do 34. The Bengbu V's 4 base dmg +1 crew +2 close bonus = 7 +21 = 28 with sol overload = 1shot GG, and it has the hull to face-tank a 1hex reactor explosion from the C4 Ma'ali (12 hull lives, 10 hull on something else dies, must have about 20-23 reactor power... goes to check the SHIPYARD page...hey look 20!).

    Let's go all the way up to something in the C8 territory.
    ~100 dmg required to kill in a single turn.

    3 or 4 corvettes, no problem, that's pretty easy to do. Coordinating 7 will be much more of a challenge, because I just plain know 'peoples of the internets', but once they learn how talented of a leader and tactician someone like me can be, they will start to fall in line and work as a team.

    So back to something I told you when I first joined, I feel this game is very volatile with huge amounts of time to be sunk investing into a nice ship and crew only to be lost in a moment. Previously stated 'a single mistake', now showing you that through no error of the captain, a ship can be lost quite easily. And you want to make it MORE difficult to get something good ?!? If both sides have equal access to progression, the players will be the buffer between the start and end of a server. Cutting XP down to nothing just makes it so that no one can afford anything, and when someone does get something, they won't want to really use it because it can be lost so easily at no risk to the attackers. You just turned your game into a troll-fest where no one uses anything but corvettes and plucking away at whatever they can, dealing blows and never risking loss. I've seen it before in other games where naval ships and ground assault vehicles were FAR too expensive to acquire for how easily they could be stolen or destroyed.
    So what happened? no one used them, ever, complete waste of development time until changes were made

    I'll admit that I generally do not like 1-off abilities, but certain ones for certain situations can be just the right tool to have if you've got a very focused objective and a coordinated team. That's why I have a variety of ships at my disposal, mostly an array of corvettes + my M3 'Standard Operations' vessel + the Station-Smashing Dread.

    Hit, Run, Repeat. Unstoppable..... unless there is a class bonus to damage reduction when significantly (how much is 'significant' becomes the question) greater than the class of an attacker.

    PS - If any of you are thinking 'well the dread could just flee', it takes about 4 turns to warp out to subspace + any additional turns upon deciding retreat is required + reaching the border. 1 turn is enough to die.

    Additional Suggestion - Start your XP gain off at some %value, for reference we will call current values 1x, and then ramp it up over time. You may start at 50% of our current gain rate X and add 2% per day or a once a week bump of 10% or whatever you like. After 90 days, the server would be at ~230% X. Things should get interesting.

    This serves multiple purposes:
    Promote the use of higher tiered ships as the sever progresses while being extremely difficult to get something very powerful too early on before the playerbase establishes
    Allows anyone joining the server late to mitigate time not spent on the server
    Achieve desired lifespan of server
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
  2. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    Mmmm Bug fixes!

    I hope V doesn' mind me saying (I don't think he would, otherwise I wouldn't)

    In addition to the engine KO from minor damage...

    The Genari MP loss bug should be resolved and all are good to go whenever the necessary updates are made!

    It seems to be that Rally was indeed the culprit.

    Kudos to gegener!
  3. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    AI engine damage still causing Allocation phase timeouts
  4. gegener

    gegener Member

    you mean the AI dont end the turn during his allocation phase and the timer wait 00:00?
    same here
  5. gegener

    gegener Member

    helmsman.jpg marine.jpg tactical 1.jpg tactical 2.jpg rapport skill1.jpg rapport skill2.jpg engineer.jpg

    as you can see i try lot of thing

    last i try and i dont report it in the scan : crew kill and xp gain

    for 17 crew kill with 1 update on marine crew i got 8XP
    for 17 crew kill with 1 update on marine and 1 update on captain i got 16XP
    for 17 crew kill with 1 update on marine and 2 update on captain i got 48XP

    each tie i need to come back at base to reforme my marine troup. its normal but there is a bug if i try to re use in another fight the pod when i dont have any marine on my ship remaining
  6. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    Was the server wiped/reset?

    You just couldn't let me blow up all the Genari bases and conquer the universe could you!

    I proclaim myself victor of that Eclipse test :p

    Why is the server clock still counting at 63 days+ ?
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
  7. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    New zone capture speeds and defender spawns are entirely too slow and boring now.
  8. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    Does shielding protect extra vs reactor explosions? 1 hex away is a lethal 10 dmg, 2 hex was 2 dmg to shield and 1 hull instead of 2 to shield and 3 hull (expected 5 damage).
  9. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    That is the way it is supposed to be. Capture points now reflect based on enemy ship class:
    Apex Predator and SPiEkY like this.
  10. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    But do bigger ships actually spawn now (AI)?!

    If not, capturing mostly empty-space type sectors will be painfully slow and of little reward.
    Apex Predator likes this.
  11. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    OUCH, just had the first hard system freeze from Space Wars since I started testing
  12. Apex Predator

    Apex Predator New Member

    Hi, was doing pirate mission and I could not fire on pirate. Kept getting error 234 Invalid target. Was able to counter fire when fired upon however could not attack on my own. Forgot to do screenshot
  13. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    It's ok, I got that bug in already :)
    Apex Predator likes this.
  14. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    Curious, what's this about??
    (Also the territory % numbers are a lie!)
    Im pretty.jpg
    Apex Predator likes this.
  15. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    I've always wondered about that text too, I wonder if its the programmers blabla, that appears once in a while.
    As for the % regions, it hasn't been working, but it does need fixing. It should be showing % regions owned by each race properly.
  16. Apex Predator

    Apex Predator New Member

    Lol I have no idea
  17. Apex Predator

    Apex Predator New Member

    Battle with gegener he apparently killed me on his side but on my side I'm just sitting there unable to move, no timers. Never fired the killing blow from my side.
  18. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    Netwrok Divergence bugs exist. If it can happen between player and AI, it can probably happen player to player.
  19. gegener

    gegener Member

    just to say i think i have detect a abuse about marine pod but cant be sure cause its impossible when xeen is online (and when he use the abuse about xp get from battle station to get faster class VII or more ship ^^)

    i just get level 2 captain and focus on pod skill on my captain
    i take elite marine level 1 on my ship and go on the map! se how many xp i get on IA ship!!

    pod abuse.jpg

    7 kill = 28
    10 = 30
    12 = 32
    17 = 48
    i take marines II and havent be able to try it cause was crush

    xeen dont let us do our test and just crush us.

    some other screen i can get befor get crush :

    far far away.jpg
    as you can see the enemy ship is in the bottom left but my rang scan is 8 so in fact he is in my direct scan zone...
    ans invalide target all the time so i leave this map

    see spawn.jpg
    As you can see during the transit phase i kow where is the ennemy ship so i can go crush him (but its a IA not a player )

    have a good we will take a breack in this alpha phase call me when we are in need of tester not crusher
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
  20. Xeen Dread

    Xeen Dread Active Member

    And he wonders why I don't like him ><

    PS - I prefer the term "Beater"
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
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