Separate names with a comma.
There is just one thing more enjoyable than finding bugs.. ELIMINATING BUGS! ;) And to give my feedback (after just a few vs AI fights I had time...
Good work comrades, your infiltration mission is done, now go and gather information!
Here is what Vesuvius (dev-guy) said a while back:
Vesuvius (the dev-guy) said this:
Well, cloaking is staying invisible to the enemy, so -1 sensor range on enemy makes you invisible to him if you stay outside the range... and then...
Yea, now I remember that too!
There is a skill which says "Enemy sensor range -1", so it's some kind of cloak.
I don't really remember "single player", but there is some kind of "pve" as the not-yet implemented factions (Hive and Ma'Alaketh) will be present...
A painting on the ship, some kind of "I have won X phases with Y Faction!" shown on the Ship is something I want to have later (there is time, the...
I see the Genari as a higher-risk higher-reward Brave Warrior, who will try to bring a sword to a gunfight... or a pistol to a sniper-duel :D...
Vesuvius said that retreating is "more common" than destroyed, we'll see if it's true when we play.
To be honest Emergency Escape sounds like the "best" skill in almost any situation, I would upgrade that when I can for sure. (Maybe not if I can...
It'll be a little hard as an Agile Flyer, as that's a Genari ship and Genari's don't have Science Officer, their weapon targeting goes up to only...
Vesuvius said up to about 50 ppl, KS had 230 backers. I don't know how will Vesuvius select the testers (he said that the ones who posted here),...