Leaving map question

Discussion in 'Beta Discussion' started by Heinous, Dec 28, 2017.

  1. Heinous

    Heinous New Member

    So I was leaving map and noticed that I had 30 move, 35 initiative. I have power boost on this ship and should be at 32 move, with 32 engines. Screenshot below.

  2. Heinous

    Heinous New Member

    Also, I think the new AI system might be bugged. I warped into an offensive sector in a T4 ship and there was already a T4 and T3 fighting there. At first it was T4 AIs warping in. In the next round a T5 ai warps in. Then 2 more T5 ais warp in the next 2 rounds. The T3 gets killed, and a T6 ai warps in. Another T3 player comes in to help my side and ANOTHER T6 warps in next round. At this point, it is two T4 and a T3 vs 3 T5 and a 2 T6. The T3 gets killed and the T4 leaves due to low hull. I am bailing at this point at well and so I make my way to the edge of the map. Next turn, a T7 AI warps in. How are we supposed to even stand a chance against this AI? 3 T5, 2 T6 and a T7, all AI, vs 2 T4 players. I dont get it.
  3. Dalwin

    Dalwin Member

    We also saw several fights tonight where T8 AI were spawning even though we were in a mix of T5-7.

    I suspect your captain rank somehow factors into the equation now.
  4. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    Heinous -- yeah, if you have 32 power without anything applied, then it should be 32 move. So something doesn't make sense there, though I do know sometimes the readout is wrong, but you still get the full 32 moves.
    As for the new AI system, it is intentional. The longer a battle goes in a region, the AI will come in with a stronger ship. It was bugged before, were the same level AI kept coming in to the end.
  5. Heinous

    Heinous New Member

    Ah well that makes sense then. Thanks for clarifying.

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