Game is unplayable for Genari in this state

Discussion in 'Beta Discussion' started by Heinous, Jan 9, 2018.

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  1. Heinous

    Heinous New Member

    So as of this moment, literally 98% of sectors that Genari can attack into Sol space are filled with anywhere from 3-10 enemy AI C8's, with one sector having 20 of them. Is this going to be addressed in the patch?

    Edit: Didnt realize it was happening for Sol as well, however it seems way more weighted in favor of Sol, they are still capping massive areas of the map with ease and Alamar seems to be gone now after he received his 24 ban. Oh well. With Alamar gone Genari is basically defenseless. You get rid of one person who spends a lot of time on this game, but Sol have about 5-6 people who also spend enormous amounts of time in this game as well.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
    fox likes this.
  2. RisingPhoenix

    RisingPhoenix New Member

    I read the problem and solution, but how does that have anything to do with sol players? We are having the same problems like 13 tier 8 ships in a faction limit 6 sector that's cut off.
  3. revinance

    revinance Moderator Staff Member

    This sol vs genari thing at some point has to stop...
    Zuuwly and fox like this.
  4. Beernchips

    Beernchips Member

    Sure Revinance after mass whine on balance from Sol on off topic
    After mass calling from Sol about Genari being "exploiters" and "cheaters".
    After playing so well on harass that Genari top player seems to have stop play after being banned
    it is time to stop that Genari vs Sol thing. I mean Sol don t need it anymore, damages had already been done.

    So perhaps this AI spawning thing happens to both factions but it seems to favor Sol much more than Genari. If it was on the other sde, I am quite sure a lot of Sol players would have call Genari to do it on purpose and exploits...
    fox likes this.
  5. revinance

    revinance Moderator Staff Member

    1. Genari called us exploiters and cheaters as well....
    2. I actually talk to your genari top player(xeen) and i agreed he got banned for no reason. And his ban lasted longer then was told so he said he quit.
    3. Actually the ai spawning issue is a bigger issue for sol because almost all genari ai's that spawn have weapons on the front so they deal more damage. (Think of montana 3 and negara's ai's)

    The only thing i mentioned were balancing issues with certain ships and comparing statistics so i have the right to start saying that this entire sol vs genari bs has to stop.
  6. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    So... should I go back to Genari again to rally players there?
  7. revinance

    revinance Moderator Staff Member

    This issue will resolve itself when midrange players are also able to attack without facing a lot of ai's. its not fun for us either we just have more players that can go solo in a map and deal with the ai's that are coming in without having to run straight away.
  8. fox

    fox New Member

    This is group of players in SW, reminds me of Lord of the Flies. It's all just human essence. Apparently, people say this is just the internet, which I didn't believe, but I do know. Mob mentality brings out the best in bullies, cheaters, and liars. If you'd like some examples we can go through the archives or server logs, if access was granted.

    Something to possibly bring order to the chaos, yes I am promoting order, which is rare, dumb, and not chaotic.

    I propose a code of play, a list of proposed "honorable play practices" to provide to the player base for reference.

    Emotion and reason are at WAR here, just as Genari and Sol.

    The way it was put to me is that some of my actions were shooting the player-base in the foot. I am aware of some of my actions as being destructive, but I'm sure that I'm missing some. I am attempting to slow my roll and consider more of the long-term implications of what I type.

    I'm sickened by some play I found here on both sides, observed either as a revealed agent or a secretive one. Dishonorable player actions, who, when confronted shunned like a scarred dog and won't admit to the player group what you did, hide behind a screen, and wait for the news to focus on something else.. Cheaters, Liars, and this term thrown around and still a mystery to me "Exploiters" all run rampant in space, as they do on the this planet. Dishonorable hunters wouldn't last long in the wild, nature would have her way with you. Sadly, Space is more forgiving than the real world.

    Why don't you grab your sack and stand up for what you believe is right?

    This big game of tit-for-tat (imbalance, not playing because your ship isnt OP, etc all) is fairly F'ed in the A. Drop the egos and move on. I'm sick of people begging for their ships, asking for leniency, and cowering in fear when they are outmatched, rather than acting as a warrior.

    At some point, this game will either float or sink. I'm hoping for the above water version. Please, PM me or let me know online what I can do better or remove from my play experience.

    one of the many,
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