Sector Class Limits Adoption

Discussion in 'Beta Discussion' started by Vesuvius_SWIE, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    In progress:

    6 sector limit areas (and lower) will be capped to Class I-IV ships. ie. Class V-X ships are not allowed in.
    8 sector limit areas will be capped to Class I-VI ships. ie. Class VII-X ships are not allowed in.
    10 sector limit areas will be capped to Class I-VIII ships. ie. Class IX-X ships are not allowed in.
    12 sector limit areas (and higher) are available to all Classes.

    Therefore: 6 sector limit areas will become 'safe havens' for lower tier ships and newer players.
    fox and ben like this.
  2. Dalwin

    Dalwin Member

    That sounds good. Is it fair to hope that this change will include a review of the map and sector sizes? Right now most of the southern half of our empire is size 6. It feels like when the sizes were changed, the programmers didn't feel it was necessary to change anything that was not close to the border. Right now a lone T8 can push single handed almost all the way to the Sol home world.

    In general the sector sizes need to be increased. Most of the map turns into battles of one cruiser and a few smaller ships. We need more areas where grand battles with large fleets can take place.
  3. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    I'll be spending some time rebuilding/improving sectors, but that will be saved for the next sector. There's also a smaller, class V defense station being implemented on the first defense line instead of the current one.

    Lastly, the spawn sector station regions will be greatly increased in region limits (eg. from 26 to 52).
  4. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    nono you don't get it, I spent 4 months hand building this XL galaxy map, about 12,000 sectors at 5 minutes per sector earlier in 2017. My goal was to work on the galaxy map minimum 6hrs/day every day until it was done. Then went back and improved everything one more time, and it is at its current state. I could not forsee every variable in my crystal ball, so this was the best I could do at the time. This has nothing to do with the programmers.
    ben and fox like this.
  5. Peroox

    Peroox New Member

    So, bigger ship are not allowed to engage to this sectors. Thats will courage player to play on lower tier to capture sectors, and right now like Dalwin said, Genari offensive show us that, in Sol inter region (and probably genari ) have a lot of "safe zones".

    I thing that this could change meta game but then come balance. Lore said that genari have better ship on lower tier, and Sol on higher. I don't mean anything alse, but this change can hit hard to 8 sector limit areas.
  6. redbear_89

    redbear_89 New Member

    good change it help alt in new players and vets
    ben likes this.
  7. Midnightsun

    Midnightsun Member

    I appreciate this change . Lets see how it works. Otherwise i think the energy requirement to move for higher tier ships should be reviewed that they are slower than low tier ships. My main priblem is if a high tier ships runs down a t3 corvette
    Zuuwly likes this.
  8. Zuuwly

    Zuuwly New Member

    These proposed changes will indeed advance this game in the right direction :) thankyou for all the hard work
    fox likes this.
  9. ben

    ben Member

    Let's play it out win or lose. If the game ends faster than ves had planned he will see it. Win or lose. We still need to see where all the glitches are. So bring it on genari..... crush the hoodlums.... because sol still has arrangements of lower tier ship's that got no play time no player or crew development and thus we don't know if they turn the tide against the enemy.
  10. Gant

    Gant Member

    ...did you say too restrictive?

    Regardless, this is only a half of the problem.

    There is still lack of issue analysis and root cause focus. Applying band-aid fixes won't get you very far...

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