New bug introduced by changes on 12/12 (turn order)

Discussion in 'Beta Discussion' started by Dalwin, Dec 12, 2017.

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  1. Dalwin

    Dalwin Member

    It is now possible for a turn to be skipped. The first time this happened I thought it might have been my fault and I had missed my turn, so the next round I was staring at the turn bar and my ship ready to click the move since my T5 (Leningrad II) was being focused.

    It literally went from the guy ahead of me taking his combat turn to highlighting me (as if turn taken) to it being the next guy's turn in less than one second. You could even hear the sound as it switched players repeat it self almost back to back as it skipped quickly to the next turn.

    On the third such turn it did allow me to move, but it was too late to save the ship at that point.
  2. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    Anyone else have this problem, report it to me. If it does exist, it might have something to do with the turn bar fix.
  3. Dalwin

    Dalwin Member

    Here is an additional bit of data which may or may not mean anything. About an hour after the incident, I logged out and then back in. Steam showed a loading bar as if it was updating or adding some files. Is it possible that there was a checksum problem that let me be playing without having all of the current files? Also, before and during the incident I was not hearing the new alert sound. Since the relog and visible loading bar I am hearing the sound and can't imagine missing it before. I really think the system was allowing me to play with outdated files.

    I will let you know if I see any other oddness on this.
  4. Zer0CoolAZ

    Zer0CoolAZ Administrator Staff Member

    Typically it will still let you play unless the file is a critical dependency that was added and is being referenced. If it's a critical file (afaik) it should drop a Null() response and crash (Has happened to me in other unity games at least)
  5. Vesuvius_SWIE

    Vesuvius_SWIE Administrator Staff Member

    Well good to know that it wasn't an in-game bug then.
  6. Zer0CoolAZ

    Zer0CoolAZ Administrator Staff Member

    I am still seeing players reporting that the turn bar isn't playing in the correct order sometimes, but I myself have yet to have that happen so far.
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